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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

10 year old gets $10,000 bug bounty from Instagram

As you may already know, the web giants like Facebook and Google reward those who discover security vulnerabilities on their services. But what you may not know is that there are not as prominent professors who pocket the premiums of these "bug bounty".

Proof of this is this year, as reported by Forbes magazine, quoting a Finladais media, Jani, only 10 years old, discovered a bug on Instagram and pocketed a bonus of 10,000 dollars from Facebook.

It has perhaps not yet old enough to open his own account, but he is already talented enough to discover an important vulnerability in the social network.

The flaw in question allows the hacker to remove content written by any user of the social network. Facebook said the young man proved his discovery by removing a publication written by Instagram on a test account. Finnish newspaper Iltalehti, he explained that he "would have been able to eliminate anyone, even Justin Bieber."

To date, the bug bounty program Facebook has already awarded more than 800 hackers with $ 4.3 million. And in 2015 alone, 936,000 dollars were paid to these bug hunters. Jani is the youngest among them.
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