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Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Instagram updates its newsfeed to view more recent posts

Instagram updates its news feed to get closer to the old-fashioned timeline.

instagram news feed

One of the reasons I liked Instagram is the chronology of publications on the newsfeed. However, in 2016, Instagram started using an algorithm that, like Facebook, chooses which publications should appear first.

And if contrary to what the rumors said, the social network does not intend to return to its timeline, Instagram however intends to change the algorithm of this newsfeed to display more recent publications.

After considering the "feedback" from users, Instagram will "make changes to ensure that the most recent messages are most likely to appear first in the feed".

The goal is to make your news feed "cooler" and you do not miss the moments that interest you.

Instagram does not say when it's going to be deployed, and obviously it's only a test for the moment. "In the coming months, we will share more about the improvements we are making to the news feed," writes the social network.

We do not know what prompted Instagram to rectify her newsfeed. But in any case, the timeline was the strong point of Vero, the social network that made a huge buzz (before falling into oblivion) a few weeks ago.

More automatic updates

Otherwise, in addition to this rectification of the algorithm of his news feed, Instagram will also stop updating automatically (not to say randomly) it when you scroll through the publications.

The social network is testing a new "New Posts" button that will manually refresh the newsfeed. "Press the button and you will be redirected to the new posts at the top of the feed. Do not touch and you stay where you are. We hope this will make browsing Instagram much more fun, "Instagram wrote.

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