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Monday, 17 July 2017

MAREA Cable - high-speed submarine cable network by Facebook and Microsoft

Microsoft and Facebook are starting the installation of MAREA CABLE - a new submarine link between the United States and Europe and it will be the fastest in the world for data traffic. Marea is said to be the super fast, high-speed submarine cable network ever built.

Make war in cyberspace with various services is one thing, but the whole infrastructure based on physical networks in which it is necessary to invest heavily and regularly. The reason is quite simple, data traffic explodes and it is necessary to adapt the infrastructure to this constant growth. Microsoft and Facebook have decided to work together, to start the installation of a new submarine cable between the old world and the new world.

Facebook and Microsoft launch the installation of MAREA cable - the submarine cable network which happens to be the fastest in the world.

The new cable called MAREA will not benefit from record length as the SEA-ME-WE cable has far with 39000 kms, since this measure "only" 6,500 km and will link Bilbao, Spain, Virginia north, in the United States. However, it will hold a good record, one of the world's fastest cable, with a capacity of 160 terabytes per second. If this figure evokes you anything, it would be like transferring 160,000 DVDs every second!

Also read about Amazon's new service that could outrun YouTube and Dailymotion.

This is the Telxius company, a subsidiary of Spanish telecommunications group Telefonica, which will ensure the installation and maintenance of this cable a very important value for all the digital economy. Even if Facebook and Microsoft are playing on the beautiful words by ensuring that the decision is intended to ensure more reliable and faster connections, the reality is rather to ensure the future of the Cloud market. IT giants are building huge data storage centers, but to be able to connect to users it is necessary to have high-performance cables. Would the installation of MAREA cable be the beginnings of a new offensive in the war of the Cloud?

Also Read: How Microsoft's virtual assistant - Cortana can support your car.

Another notable fact, this will be the first time a submarine cable through southern Europe and will have a connection to Africa and the Middle East. Two emerging markets growth potential, both in the real economy and in the digital economy. Marea cable should be connected to the global network in October 2017.
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Item Reviewed: MAREA Cable - high-speed submarine cable network by Facebook and Microsoft Description: Microsoft, Facebook are starting the installation of MAREA cable - a new submarine link network between the US and Europe and it will be the fastest in the world for data traffic. Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown