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Saturday, 5 September 2015

WhatsApp has 900 million users per month

WhatsApp has surpass the 900 million users a month, twice since being acquired by Facebook in 2014!

Each quarter that passes, is a quarter that looks at WhatsApp. The application continues its meteoric rise in perfect exponential curve. In one year, WhatsApp has seen its numbers grow monthly users 300 million, bringing the mail today to celebrate a new course that of 900 million users. The next step is naturally a billion!

WhatsApp ahead of all its competitors by far!

Facebook must be happy to have made this investment because having acquired the messaging in 2014 to $ 22 billion, we can say he has done an excellent operation. The courier largely ahead its competitors and is the world leader in this sector, far ahead of the other mail "home" Facebook (Messenger), but also before Line, Viber, Snapchat, WeChat, Tango, etc.

WhatsApp Logo

At this rate, WhatsApp could even exceed a Facebook update, claiming 1.49 billion users, as growth decelerates and mail do not have the same tendency to accelerate the contrary. For example, over the last 12 months WhatsApp gained 300 million users, but over the last six months, she has won 200 million.

WhatsApp would even have an impact on the number of SMS sent into the world, which began to decline in recent months, despite the explosion of smartphones and unlimited SMS packages. In addition, the latest version of the application that helped make voice calls charged to the 3G package / 4G or even free Wi-Fi, many users saw it as a great source of savings, which rage operators everywhere in the world. The rise of WhatsApp is very far from over!
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Item Reviewed: WhatsApp has 900 million users per month Description: WhatsApp has surpass the 900 million users a month, twice since being acquired by Facebook in 2014! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown