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Saturday, 5 September 2015

Nintendo games are available in dematerialized at Amazon

Video game players should be happy to know that Nintendo and Amazon have signed a partnership for the sale of securities in dematerialized release.

Nintendo Amazon

As always this new service is currently available in the United States, but there is no doubt that the very lucrative video game market will push Amazon to democratize this service quickly.

Amazon starts to sell Nintendo games dematerialized version

The e-commerce giant Amazon and Nintendo video games publisher signed an agreement allowing the purchase online platform to market dematerialized versions of the video game catalog of the Nippon firm. The concept is rather interesting, especially for people living in places where no physical store is present and where deliveries take several days before arriving!

Oddly enough, Nintendo had always been reluctant to go through third party platforms to market its products, but the recent change of leadership of the Nippon group seems to have a different vision. Especially as its competitors, Sony or Microsoft, selling dematerialized versions on multiple e-commerce platforms for years.

The owners of a 3DS or Wii U could already access the online store from their Nintendo console, they will now have a second alternative, which could make their savings because Amazon is quite fond of promotions to boost its sales. The purchase method is always the same with this kind of product, the user just has to adjust the game to get a code, then allowing it to dispose of gaming.

Nintendo is in decline for several years trying to find new ways to reinvigorate growth in sales and put its consoles to the front of the stage.
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Item Reviewed: Nintendo games are available in dematerialized at Amazon Description: Video game players should be happy to know that Nintendo and Amazon have signed a partnership for the sale of securities in dematerialized release. Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown