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Thursday, 28 May 2015

Shazam is now a player in field of image recognition

Shazam now can scan QR Codes and identify some promotional images.

There a few months we were discussing already projects Shazam and we thought it was going to become a competitor for apps like Google Goggles.

shazam qr code feature
But things are a bit more nuanced. "See him, Shazamez it" , it said in the blog post in which the company announced new features for its implementation. Remember, it is mainly used to identify a song when you do not know the title.

For now, the images of Shazam recognition feature will be fairly limited. Indeed, you can not scan any-and any image with the app since only the images that contain the Shazam logo, with a small camera icon, can be identified. In fact, the idea is mainly to provide a new tool for brands that will allow them to engage with the public.

Thus, by scanning this page of the Wall Street Journal Magazine, the user can for example access exclusive videos.

Check out this small video about this new QR-code like feature of Shazam.

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