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Friday 29 May 2015

Google Photos: Tempting features of this new app.

Among the novelties of Google, the Free and unlimited storage of all your photos and videos.

Google Photos app features
Given the number of news that Google announced last night, it is possible that you missed one that might interest you the most, however, is that is already available: Google Photos.

Yes, the Mountain View company has decided to separate (in some ways) its social network Google+ to "photos" feature. And in a nutshell, here is why you may be tempted by this new application, which is available on Android, iOS and the web  : free and unlimited.

Indeed, Google will offer Photo synchronize gallery of your mobile and to host free content, regardless of its volume.

The only limitation is that the images should not exceed the 16 MP and that the videos should not have a quality beyond 1080p, which then will be compressed.

In terms of supply, so Google puts a volley towards its competitors with which users must pay a subscription beyond a certain volume. For example, in iCloud (Apple), you pay 20 euros for 1 TB. But that's not all.

The Mountain View company has also devised a new Smart Organizer System pictures. "Google Photos automatically organizes your memories by persons, places, objects and other things that matter" , it said in a publication blog. Thus, the user does not have to create albums or identify the pictures.

Add to this other features of editing, creating collages and sharing to other services. However, contrary to what was believed there some days, there really is not a question of a new competitor to Instagram.
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