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Monday, 15 June 2015

Facebook introduced a new sign for the news feed algorithm

Once again, Facebook will touch the algorithm that manages your News Feed.

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All community managers know how Facebook chooses the contents to be displayed on the newsfeed: it uses your interactions like like, comments or shares to determine whether content is important to you.

But as explained by a number of social networks in a new blog post, the fact that you have not interacted with your mouse does not necessarily mean that the content was irrelevant since it is quite possible that you have just watched without wanting to click.

So with the upcoming update for the news feed, the number of social networks will account for the time you spent to see content, as well as the like, comments or shares.

If you give more time for a photo or status compared to other contents that are passed on your screen, the algo news feed will conclude that it was relevant and consider this information to choose content you will see next time.

Regarding pages, Facebook simply states that it was not expected that the update have a significant impact on the distribution of publications.
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