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Sunday, 7 June 2015

Microsoft wants to make a full Gamescom 2015 event

Sony announced it a few weeks ago that he did not hold a press conference at Gamescom 2015. And if the Japanese manufacturer has "dropped" the German show is in favor of the Paris Games Week .

gamescom 2015

For its part, Microsoft has chosen not to upset his schedule and to remain faithful to Germany room. If you believe a message posted on Twitter by Phil Spencer, head of the Xbox division of Microsoft, his company is also expected to work extra hard at its Gamescom conference.

This choice Microsoft makes sense on several levels. If the American manufacturer had chosen to move its post-E3 conference in Paris, he would have certainly been seen as a follower Sony.

By organizing a first class event at Gamescom, Xbox enjoys in the absence of Sony conference better visibility.

Gamescom 2015 will take place from 5 to 9 August. Less than two months so separate the two fairs this year, which effectively leaves little time to prepare for the manufacturer and publishers. If Microsoft wants to make its Gamescom conference a highlight of the year in its own right, so he will have to keep striking ads below the elbow. 
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