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Sunday, 24 May 2015

Firefox and iOS: the end of the divorce

A beta version of Firefox mobile browser is being tested by selected users by Mozilla so that it is focused on iOS in the near future. Small return on the saga of love between Firefox and the mobile system from Apple.

Firefox on ios iphone
Between Apple and Mozilla, it's a bit of a saga of love and hate. These two giants, emblematic of new technologies, are not to their first rapprochement. Already, Firefox , Mozilla's browser was focused on iOS system few years ago. But the adventure had lasted a time, time that will appear some disagreements between the two actors and Apple perceives the potential risk to tolerate a direct competitor against its browser Safari and the union ended in term of 2012.

Two years later, Mozilla again openly courting the Cupertino via clear messages on the Foundation's website. And as the number of iOS device users is increasing, mobile Firefox seems poised to make his reappearance in the App Store.

Mobile Firefox is heading back to iOS

It is no secret for anyone. Mobile version of the Mozilla browser does not win the expected success. Even on the system Android , mobile Firefox accounts for just 1% of the stock of installed web browsers. It was therefore decided at the Mozilla Foundation strike a blow. And here is what one could read on his blog late 2014: "  We need to go where users go. Therefore, we will bring Firefox on iOS ". We then worked hard the Mountain View side and Firefox back on iOS seems to be a matter of weeks.

The last testing phase has already begun

No need to search in the App Store, the Firefox browser is not yet present. But a beta version of mobile browser Mozilla has been most recently available to users who participated in a recruitment campaign. This recruitment is now complete and the final test phase before the final launch has begun.

We still know little about this new iOS version of Firefox Mobile. However, we already know that it is based on Webkit, common motor Chrome and Safari. There is a safe bet that the abandonment of Gecko was a condition imposed by Apple to be able to accept the return of Firefox in the App Store.
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