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Friday, 17 July 2015

OnePlus 2: Do you need invite?

The OnePlus in going to present its next flagship device OnePlus 2, the successor on OnePlus One. It has been a trending topic since last week about OnePlus 2: Price, Specifications and Availability.

Its also now known that the new OnePlus 2 will be available by invites only. OnePlus tells us why did it opt to provide the device only through invites.

OnePlus 2 invitation cards

An invitation system, why?

OnePlus justifies the use of this model in that it is more dangerous to have a large stock of unsold as having sold too few moving.

And in this case, OnePlus not clear how the markets will react to its products, nor how many people might buy them.

Therefore, to minimize the risk of having a large stock of unsold phones, the manufacturer uses the invitation system. It considers, in essence, that sound financial health is more important than growth (too) fast.

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