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Monday, 15 June 2015

E3 2015: Microsoft shows more HoloLens

Unveiled in early in the year , the project has HoloLens spilled much ink. It must be said that this prototype has created skepticism, few people imagining an exit from the general public.

Unlike Sony or the Oculus Rift, these headphones by Microsoft is an augmented reality headset: it scans the room where you are, and you can then interact with different applications - as well as games - that appear on your walls or surfaces (tables, fridge, etc..) in the form of holograms. Promising yes, but who has yet to prove its effectiveness.

Largely related to Windows 10, the device was shown here in the company of Mojang, creators of the huge hit Minecraft , which was acquired by Microsoft for several billion dollars . The title was presented in a prototype version and performed in real time.

It was thus possible to see set up on a table the entire world of the demo. Particularly impressive, this demonstration could be manipulated with the hands and voice, in addition to being a playable hand on a tablet, and the other with the famous augmented reality headset.

No dates or even prices, it probably will have to wait several months to learn even more about her. HoloLens having far shown more than timid. In addition, Microsoft also announced that they will support the VR helmet Valve, in addition to the Oculus Rift.
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