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Monday 18 May 2015

Next Nexus smartphone is manufactured by Huawei

That, at least understands what iSuppli noted that the publication of a note from the Chinese Jiutang analyst Pan Weibo from the site and corroborated many rumors to that effect.

Nexus by Huawei
According to many rumors and now a Chinese analyst, the next smartphone from the Nexus range of Google would be manufactured by Huawei giant. Over time and templates, Google has relied on Samsung, LG, Motorola and more recently to develop and manufacture mobile at the forefront of Android. Indeed, Nexus mobile terminals benefit from the latest Android version to date without any overlay software. Technology Showcase, Nexus smartphone offered before Nexus 6 quality money beating all competition. With the latter, it was less the case.

The next Nexus smartphone could propose a 5.7 inch screen with a qHD resolution and OLED technology. He would board a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor.

If the rumors are confirmed and analysis, Huawei could thus benefit from the reputation of the Nexus range to grow to its own international mobile products. 
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Item Reviewed: Next Nexus smartphone is manufactured by Huawei Description: According to rumors and now a Chinese analyst, the next smartphone from the Nexus range of Google would be manufactured by Huawei Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown
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